Web Design Services

Online shops

We create high converting, mobile friendly ecommerce web sites. Your new shop will be able to scale like never before, while providing all the features of a Magento solution. We can also host it on servers optimized for online shops.


No matter what your website needs are, we can fullfill them with ease. We can make simple presentation websites, online stores, portals and any special website you many need. All our sites are responsive, meaning they are easily readable on mobile devices.


Allow us to create your next software for the web, Windows, Linux, Android and iOS.

SEO & Pay-per-click

Your website lacks organic growth? With over 20 years of online experience we can help your website get more traffic via organic search results. Boost your traffic with pay-per-click campaigns.

Performance optimization

Do you have a slow website that hurts your search engine rankings? We can optimize the code of most PHP and mySQL / MariaDB based websites and we can add caching servers to any website to significantly increase the loading times.
Faster site = more customers

Start-up incubator

Do you have a startup ideea? We help you put it on the ground. We can help with everything your startup needs: website creation, application development, legal, business and investment help.
Looking to have your new website built? Get a quote

About us

Starting 1998, Web4Future contributed to over 1000 websites and made over 400 websites from scratch.

We proud ourselfs with out happy customers from all over the world: USA, Canada, Great Britain, Holland, Switerland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Australia, Israel and of course, Romania.

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Web Design Company

Contact us

Etusoft S.R.L.
Sovata 1C
Oradea, Romania
Tel.: (+40) 770.161.431