The internet's easiest form2mail script since 1998*
Easiest Form2Mail was written in PHP and it works best under UNIX, but it can also be used on Windows servers.
v3.51 Improvements
- PHP 8 compatibility
v3.5 Improvements
- MANY bug fixes, including problems when sending email to Yahoo
- rewrote most of the code to be cleaner and easier to understand
v3.31 Improvements
- bug fixes
- Improved email score to avoid being detected as spam
- added AJAX example form
v3.2 Improvements
- added UTF8 support
- automatic AJAX submission detection
v3.1 Improvements
- 2 form examples with multiple selects, attachments and captcha
v3.0 Improvements
- Built-in Captcha
- Can be used with Google Recaptcha
- Allows receiving of attachments.
- Set required fields.
- Set header and footer for the error messages.
- Customizable error messages.
- Allow sending the form via AJAX.
* Web4Future Easiest Form2Mail started out in 1998 as a Perl script and was switched to PHP in early 2002
v3.51 Features - 14.10.2021
- Built-in Captcha
- Allows receiving of attachments.
- PHP 8 compatible
- UTF8 support
- Improved email spam score
- 3 form examples with AJAX, multiple selects, attachments and captcha
- Can be used with Google Recaptcha
- Required fields
- Customizable error messages
Starting 1998, Web4Future contributed to over 1000 websites and made over 400 websites from scratch.
We proud ourselfs with out happy customers from all over the world: USA, Canada, Great Britain, Holland, Switerland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Australia, Israel and of course, Romania.